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Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m

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Book a clear-out
Contact us by phone or digitally and book your appointment for clearing out. We are available Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
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Individuelle Beratung
Clean clearing out
Our experienced and practiced team gets to work on time. Once all the work has been completed, your premises will be cleared and swept clean.
Professional clearing out from AFLEX

Professional clearing out from AFLEX

Are you looking for a professional team to carry out your clearing out professionally and reliably ? At AFLEX you have come to the right place with your concerns! No matter whether it's clearing out an apartment, clearing out a household, clearing out an office or clearing out a basement We have the right people and the necessary equipment for it. 

Our long-established moving company also takes care of the disposal, for example of bulky waste , hazardous waste and other types of waste. We also take care of all transport that is related to your clearing out, for example for the storage of items that are still usable.

We support your business liquidation as well as clearing out a hoarder's apartment, clearing out a littered garden and clearing out the attic or an entire house. Even  if your project is related to an upcoming move, we are the right team for you – quickly, discreetly and carefully.

Professionalität 100% Professionalism
Kundenzufriedenheit 100% Customer satisfaction
Zuverlässigkeit 100% Reliability
Kundendienst 100% Customer service

This is what makes a high-quality clearing out

Pay attention to the following points if you want the highest quality clearing out possible: The employees should approach the matter in a planned manner, receive thorough instructions from you and stick to the rules you give them. AFLEX always works hand in hand with its clients and fulfills all requirements down to the last icing on the cake. You also need a wide range of services, from sorting the items and completely clearing out the premises to transport, waste disposal and possible storage. All of these services as well as the clean handover are a matter of course for us , and you won't miss out on any of them with AFLEX. 

How much does a clearing out cost me?

The cost of clearing out varies depending on the square footage, type and quantity of items, accessibility and services booked. Flat-rate price information can only serve as a rough guide, but is not suitable for realistic financial planning. Contact AFLEX without obligation to find out the exact costs for your project . This doesn't cost you anything except a few minutes of your time. After recording all relevant data, you will receive a fixed price offer with no hidden fees that you can rely on. This means you have solid price information at hand as a basis for an accurate decision . And: You already know us a little and have gained initial trust.

Proven Expert
This is what makes a high-quality clearing out



How does clearing out work

How does clearing out work?

At AFLEX you can receive an all-round service or individual services , depending on what you book with us. If necessary, the large service package includes a no-parking zone in front of your house where we can conveniently park our van. At this moment the starting signal for your decluttering is given! We have probably already recorded your specifications in detail, if not, we will do it now. We then begin to sort the items, remove the waste, including hazardous waste, and bring the remaining items to the designated location. Finally, we sweep the rooms thoroughly in preparation for a new beginning.

When is clearing out necessary?

Clearing out becomes necessary, for example, when certain rooms are overcrowded and therefore no longer usable. Often, some junk has accumulated over the years - or at least dubious items that you never actually use. Then thorough sorting and clearing out is required . There are also many other typical clearing out situations such as the liquidation of a company, the liquidation of a household, moving and Messie clearing out. Even gardens can be cleared out, for example if construction waste and garden waste are piling up there. If it is really “necessary”, you will definitely decide for yourself. We at AFLEX will give you a helping hand as soon as we have your order. 

How long does a clearing out take?

Clearing out takes different amounts of time depending on the effort required. It makes a big difference whether we are clearing out an entire company as part of its liquidation, clearing out a single-family home or a two-room apartment. Messie clearing out is a special case that requires a lot of effort, while many garden sheds are cleared out in no time. For this reason, we cannot say generally how long such a measure will take. Allow half a day to several days. In the case of a company with many offices and warehouses, it can be weeks. Please feel free to contact us free of charge and present your project to us, then you will receive a professional time estimate on which you can base your further planning. If you are in a particularly hurry, AFLEX can also arrange short-term appointments.

Our promise to you

Every customer and their concerns are important to us. AFLEX therefore stands for maximum fulfillment of its obligations to its clients, to your complete satisfaction. Our employees are there on time at the agreed time, carry out the service as agreed and proceed in a professional and thorough manner . We provide you with all services related to clearing out at a fair fixed price. At the end you pay the agreed amount and not a cent more. 


How do I book my apartment clearance with AFLEX?

It's very easy: contact us either by phone, email, using our contact form or in person at the company location. Our office is always open from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Tell us your concerns, we will make you our offer free of charge and then you can arrange your desired appointment with us.

Do I need to prepare anything before my decluttering takes place?

All we need is your instructions and the keys to the premises in question. Otherwise, our AFLEX team carries out the clearing out completely independently, from the first step to the last stroke of the broom. If you have not booked a specific service, for example bulky waste disposal, you will take care of this part yourself. Otherwise, we will do all the necessary work one hundred percent.

Are there additional costs, for example for travel or similar?

AFLEX always works with fixed prices so that customers are fully informed right from the start. There are no hidden additional costs with us; you will find out the full amount transparently in advance. This sets us apart from the black sheep of this industry, who initially appeared to be cheap, but then subsequently demand hidden fees. With us you are absolutely safe, not just in terms of price.

What payment options are there?

You can pay with us in various ways, whether by bank transfer, with your credit card, cash by invoice or digitally. In some cases we agree on payment on account or in installments. Talk to us beforehand about the payment arrangements and we will give you all the information you need. Ultimately, you decide on the payment option that suits you best.

Do I have to be available during the clearing out?

You don't necessarily have to be present during the clearing out. If we have clarified everything well beforehand, our team will work independently step by step. However, we ask you to provide a contact option for any questions, preferably your mobile phone number. Sometimes questions arise during work, in which case we would like to talk to you.

Can I claim the eviction from the apartment on my taxes?

In some cases it is actually possible to claim clearance costs as tax deductions. First of all, you can probably bill the pure labor costs as a household service if it is a private job. If clearing out is necessary for professional or company-internal reasons, there are other options. Ask your tax advisor.

Who pays for the renovation if the tenant dies?

If the tenant dies, the rental agreement and all obligations pass to his or her heirs. The only exception: The heirs all reject the inheritance. However, this happens very rarely. As a landlord, first assume that your tenant's heirs

Is AFLEX insured in the event of damage?

AFLEX is a reputable service provider with all the necessary insurance. Due to the professionalism of the employees, cases of damage rarely occur, but if something does break, the company's own insurance company will cover it. So you don't have to worry about your compensation, you will definitely get it with this company.

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