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Have the basement cleared out
You give us the order to clear out the basement and we arrive on time with our team. Then it is cleared out and tidied up until the area is swept clean.
Cellar clearing with dedicated professionals

Cellar clearing with dedicated professionals

A lot has accumulated in the basement, and you probably don't need much of it anymore. Between all the junk there may be a few treasures that you want to keep safe, the rest is destined for disposal - or sale. But who is helping with this work? 

The moving company AFLEX  has the solution: We have an experienced team available to clear out your basement, sort it out with you, dispose of the resulting waste, store useful items if desired, and leave the rooms swept clean. 

We are also at your side when it comes to clearing out your apartment or household. And of course, we manage your move, whether it's two streets away or to another country. Transports of all kinds also fall into our profession, as do renovation work and even forced evictions. 

professionalism 100% professionalism
Customer satisfaction 100% Customer satisfaction
reliability 100% reliability
Customer service 100% Customer service

How do I clear out the basement?

First, it's time to sort: What is still usable and what isn't? What things would you like to give away, sell, store, or dispose of? Then you take the waste to the landfill or recycling center, take care of the remaining objects, and finally clean the room. AFLEX relieves you and carries out your basement clearing on your behalf, from A to Z. This means that all you have to do is give your instructions and our employees will then take care of every single step. The bulky waste goes to the recycling center and any hazardous waste is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

How much does a basement clearout cost?

Clearing out a basement costs at least the transport and disposal fees. You decide whether you want to invest in AFLEX's dedicated workforce to do all the work for you. Although this incurs costs of a few hundred euros, you are completely relieved of the burden in return. If you would like to know your price, please contact our moving company with confidence. With us, you will receive a reliable fixed-price offer without making any commitment. So the numbers are right in front of your eyes and you can decide at your leisure.

Proven Expert
How do I clear out the basement



How to calculate a basement clearout

How do you calculate a basement clearout?

The AFLEX specialist advisor will be happy to calculate the costs for your basement clearing and provide you with a non-binding fixed-price offer. Cost factors include, among other things, the working hours involved, the transport and disposal as well as possible storage in the storage room and/or your ban on stopping in front of the house so that the van can park. The final cost depends on exactly which services you book and how much inventory is in your basement. In addition, the different types of waste generated have different weights. If you do the work yourself, you can reduce the price with your own hands. We don't offer blanket solutions, only individually planned projects.

Can you deduct a basement clearing from your taxes?

This is often actually possible, for example for private individuals as a household-related service. In this case, however, only the pure working hours are deductible. If you are moving for professional reasons, your move may involve advertising costs. For a company move, moving costs represent operating expenses. Contact your tax advisor, they will know exactly what is going on and can advise you accordingly. Remember to keep all invoices and receipts carefully so that you can submit them to your tax office. This is your most important task if you want to deduct moving costs from your taxes


How do I book my basement clearance with AFLEX?

Contact the AFLEX team via online inquiry, telephone, or email. We will discuss your project free of charge and without obligation and you will receive our fixed price offer. You then make your decision and give us the order, which we then schedule. Complete.

What payment options are available to me?

AFLEX will issue you an invoice following the basement clearing, which you will pay within the payment deadline. You can hand over the money in cash or transfer it; in the former case, you will of course receive a receipt. Please discuss further payment options with our customer service, who will answer any questions you may have.

Can I deduct a basement clearance from my taxes?

Yes, that is often possible. Private clearing out falls under household-related services, so the labor costs would be deductible. Clearing out companies can also be viewed as operating costs. It is important to ask your tax advisor for advice first, as they are your experts in tax matters.

Does AFLEX have insurance in the event of damage?

AFLEX only employs well-trained and experienced employees, but these are people for whom, in rare cases, something can go wrong. If your belongings are damaged, our insurance will cover it financially. You will receive compensation and can therefore provide a replacement.

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